Welcome to my site.
This site is hosted by me, the most successful auto salesman of all time, Paul Richard Hauke, MBA. I am the holder of the ”World Sales Records” in the automotive division and known as the “worlds number 1 salesman”.
This all didn’t come easy; it took a lot of hard work, long hours and the need to constantly “reinvent” myself and sales techniques.
I started my career as a floor salesman, just like everyone else. But, I knew that it wouldn’t be long before I moved up. In a very short time I moved up to management and a short time later to senior management and a short time after that to running the largest dealerships in the United States, and later to running one of the largest dealer groups in the USA.
I started using my monopolize your marketplace ® sales system early in my career and have modified it many times over the years. It is the best sales system ever developed, and I’ve proven that over and over again. Today , the monopolize your marketplace ® sales system and the Internet Hopper Sales System (R) will absolutely blow away the competition. My systems can be used in all businesses.
This information on this site is timely and an absolute must for anyone building any type business. I concentrate on the e business and marketing growth, as they are the most relevant today. To survive you must have an extremely strong internet presence. You must monopolize your marketplace ® in all your marketing , but today it is extremely important in the social media arena .
The information on this site is free and updated weekly. You can and are encouraged to use the information on this site in your business for training, etc. Please make sure the proper credit is given to Paul R Hauke MBA and the site www.worldsgreatestautosalesman.com . Remember, that this information is copyright protected and can not be used for any other purpose without written approval .
Of course, I offer paid services as well. Great programs like: in house sales and marketing training, sales promotions and events, auctions, inventory liquidation, seminars, ISP services, consulting, employee certifications, etc. all using the methods that made me famous.
Let me put the power of the monopolize your marketplace ® system to work for you.
E mail me at ph@iffpf.com
[monopolize your marketplace, hopper system, internet, contractors, auto dealers, used cars, new cars]